Lotus Asset Management is a full-service wealth manager. We aim to satisfy all of your financial needs with our complete package of services that are, and will always be, all-inclusive. Some firms charge extra for financial planning, which they consider a separate offering altogether. That is simply unacceptable to us. You cannot invest responsibly without first having created a customized financial plan. Many advisers also charge extra fees to manage IRAs or externally held accounts like retirement portfolios. That leads to overly expensive, incomplete advice, and we won't allow it.

Our clients don't have to ask us for particular services, nor will they ever have to pay for additional help. Our goal is to create, analyze, and maintain your entire financial picture to help you achieve the goals you set forth.

Among other things, our services include:


Investment Policy Statement

This is the foundation upon which our platform is built. We believe that a well-crafted Investment Policy Statement is the key to helping you explicitly determine your goals as well as providing a framework for your financial plan. Without this fundamental step, you simply cannot make appropriate financial decisions.


Financial Statement Analysis

Using all of your current financial statements, we will perform a thorough analysis of your entire financial picture. We feel this to be a crucial part of the process as it helps us to get a complete understanding of your financial status. Simply investing your available cash will not get you to where you'd like to be. We need to consider all aspects of your finances and build an optimized plan accordingly.


• Financial Planning

Using your IPS and statement analysis, we will work together to create a financial plan that aims to address all of your specified goals. We will look at your short and long term liabilities, cash flow needs, return expectations, and investment limitations to tailor a portfolio fit just for you. We will consider accounts held everywhere, regardless of whether they will be directly managed by Lotus AM, to ensure that we are addressing your full balance sheet. Your portfolio will feature an optimized asset allocation that takes into consideration everything you deem important.


• Investment Strategy Implementation

According to the financial plan we build, we will strategically implement your investment strategy, using your current positions and tax status as a guideline toward the most tax-efficient transition. In addition, we will always be mindful of market factors when implementing new strategies, striving to avoid market-timing risks that often ail rash investors who are scared of missing out in the short term. We are dedicated to your long term success above all else.


• Regular Portfolio Monitoring

We review client portfolios every day to ensure that they are always in line with your IPS and our overall views on the markets. Likewise, we ask that our client always update us with life events and changes, as they may have an impact on IPS preferences. Like markets, your life is ever-changing, and we want to be prepared and able to react accordingly.