Lotus Asset Management was created to fill an unmet need. While there are countless wealth management firms available to clients seeking financial advice, many clients still remain under served and dissatisfied with their current service. Clients not in the coveted "Ultra-High-Net-Worth" (UHNW) category of $20MM+ are often charged significant annual fees in addition to various commission charges, account fees, planning fees, and other confusing costs that eat away at their principal investments before they have even had a chance to grow. Beyond that, many advisers often do not have the expertise or experience to properly handle their clients’ needs, instead focusing their attention on acquiring new clients. These same advisors are also commonly given strict guidelines as to which products they can use - often only their own firm's products - limiting clients to a small subset of investments that are likely not best suited to them. As a result, an already overcharged client ends up receiving lackluster service and underperforming their potential. 

Lotus Asset Management is different. Our team has spent its entire career at major financial institutions managing wealth for the UHNW clientele who demand a very high level of service and no-nuisance fees. We want to bring that experience and attention to detail to every client seeking our advice, but simultaneously aim to leave behind the institutional dependence and limitations of a big bank. Clients who walk through our doors receive a comprehensive evaluation of their current portfolio and a thorough financial plan designed to achieve their goals before we even begin to discuss what investments may be suitable. And we’re not here to pitch you trade ideas. As a fee-only service provider, our objective, client-first viewpoint allows us the freedom to focus only on what is most appropriate for each client. We grow with our clients, not from them.

We know your money is extremely important to you. You have worked hard to earn it, and you should not have to work hard to maintain it. At Lotus Asset Management, we take our fiduciary responsibility very seriously. Beyond that, we understand what your wealth truly means to you: your future. Let us work together to build the future that you’ve always envisioned.